My QSL Card Collection

There are 8094 cards from 302 countries in the data base

(Last updated: 28.08.2023 - 11:14)

(Click on the card to enlarge!)


LU - Argentina

16 QSL cards for connections to LU on !


LU1BR 17m

LU1FAM 17m

LU1HE 17m

LU1JJN 17m

LU1SE 17m

LU2A 17m

LU2BN 17m

LU2XPK 17m

LU5AB 17m

LU6AKH 17m

LU6FOV 17m

LU7YZ 17m

LU8DF 17m

LW6DG 17m

LW6EQG 17m

LW7DUC 17m

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©  Design and Copyright 2013 by Holger Wendt — DL7SP — Wald-Michelbach